Upstart Magazine

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How to grow your own Grass head

Whether you make a person, monster or animal, grass heads are great fun to grow!

What you need:

  • Old stockings or knee-high stockings

  • A cup/mug

  • Rubber bands

  • Craft glue

  • Googly eyes

  • Pipe cleaners (various colours)

  • Scissors

  • Potting mix

  • Grass seed

  • An old yoghurt container

What to do…

  1. If using stockings (instead of knee-high stockings), cut the stockings just above the ankle – each pair will give you two grass heads!

  2. Put the stocking feet into the mug and fold the ends over the side of the mug (to hold the stocking open).

  3. Sprinkle a tablespoon of grass seed into the foot of the stocking.

  4. Fill the rest of the stocking lined mug with soil.

  5. Once the mug is full, tie the open end of the stocking so that the end filled with soil is about the size of a large tennis ball.

  6. To make a nose on your grass head, pinch the front of the stocking and tie a rubber band around the pinched section.
    Repeat on the sides of your grass head to make ears (optional).

  7. Use craft glue to stick the googly eyes to your grass head.
    Use lots to make an alien!

  8. Use the pipe cleaners to make glasses, bows, mouths … and anything else you can think of!
    Remember: the grass will grow out of the top of your head, so don’t add anything on the very top.

  9. Trim the long dangly end of your stocking so that it is no longer than 5 cm (don’t cut it off completely!).

  10. Half fill the yoghurt container with water and put the dangly end of your stocking into the water. This will absorb the water and feed your grass head, as long as there is water in the yoghurt container!
    You can even decorate the yoghurt container if you like.

  11. Place your grass head in a sunny spot and top up the yoghurt container with water, as necessary.

  12. Depending on the grass seed you use, your grass head should start growing hair within a week.

  13. Use scissors to give your grass head a great new hairstyle, as it grows!

Did you give it a go?

Send us a photo of your grass head character and you might find your creation featured in a future issue of Upstart magazine… AND win a prize!