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How to Launch Your Own Rocket

Ever heard the saying “It’s not rocket science”? People say that when they’re referring to something that isn’t particularly difficult. That’s because rocket science IS difficult – and building a real rocket is considered extremely hard!

But, with just a few household items, you can launch your very own rocket at home!

What you need:

  • An empty 2.5 litre soft drink bottle

  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda

  • 1 litre of vinegar

  • Duct or electrical tape

  • Scissors

  • A funnel (optional)

  • 4 pencils

  • A cork

  • A paper towel

Ask an adult before trying this experiment.
Your rocket doesn’t use heat or fire to launch, but it is still explosive

What to do:

  1. Turn your bottle upside down (so that the nozzle is facing down) and tape the 4 pencils to the outside of the bottle – this will be your rocket base. Make sure that the bottle nozzle sits about 2cm off the ground. PRO TIP: Use a funnel to fill your bottle with 1 litre of water, screw the cap on and flip your bottle over to check to see if your pencils will hold the bottle upright. If not, try readjusting your pencils until it can, then tip out the water.

  2. Lay the paper towel on a flat surface. Starting about 3cm from the edge of the paper towel, tip the baking soda in a line down the centre (stopping 3cm before the opposite edge).

  3. Fold the paper towel edges over (on each end of the baking soda line) so that they partially cover the baking soda. Starting with one of the unfolded edges, tightly roll the paper towel into a thin tube.
    The tube will need to be thin enough to fit into your nozzle.

  4. Insert the funnel into the empty bottle nozzle and carefully pour in the vinegar.

  5. Carefully insert the paper towel package into the nozzle of the bottle, leaving some sticking out the top. DO NOT let the baking soda or paper towel touch the vinegar.

  6. Wedge a cork into the bottle nozzle so that it holds the paper towel in place (away from the vinegar).

  7. Find a flat outdoor surface with no power-lines or trees above it – we recommend launching your rocket on a concrete surface as the vinegar will kill grass.

  8. When you’re ready to launch, flip your rocket over (so that the nozzle is facing down) and run for cover!

  9. Wait patiently as the paper towel dissolves, releasing the baking soda into the vinegar.
    The chemical reaction will slowly fill the bottle with carbon dioxide. When there is too much carbon dioxide for the bottle to hold, it will force the cork out and launch into the air!

  10. Try the experiment again with different quantities of vinegar and baking soda to see how high you can get your rocket to launch.
    Our best attempt went over 30 metres into the air!

Did you give it a go?

Did you try making your own rocket? Send us a photo or video and you’ll go into the draw to win a mystery “Upstart DIYer” prize.


Safety tips

  1. Make sure that no one is bending over the rocket while waiting for it to launch, and everyone stands at least 10 metres away.

  2. Never put the rocket on its side.

  3. CAUTION! It can take a long time for some rockets to launch. Wait at least 10 minutes before approaching and never put your head over the rocket.