Upstart Magazine

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Make Your Own Message Delivery Owl

Make leaving important messages, mail or special notes for others in your household or classroom extra fun by making your own Magical Message Delivery Owl - inspired by the Owl Post in J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter books.

What you need:

  • Thick card or thick paper (we used cream x2, black x1 and yellow x1)

  • Two clean pegs (we used yellow)

  • Piece of string

  • Hot glue gun

  • Scissors

  • Bow compass (for drawing circles)
    OR collect smaller circle objects (like jar or bottle lids) to act as smaller stencils.

  • Two small plates (one slightly larger than the other) to use as a large circle stencil

  • A pencil and an eraser.

We based our owl on Harry Potter’s owl, Hedwig, so our colours and design are inspired by him, but you can create any species of owl you like.

What to do:

  1. Place the small plate upside down on the cream card and use your pencil to draw a circle, using the plate as a stencil. Then cut the pencilled circle out.
    This will be your owl’s head.

  2. Place the larger plate upside down on a fresh piece of cream card and draw a larger circle, using the plate as a stencil. Then cut the pencilled circle out.

  3. Fold the larger circle in half and cut down the fold to make your owl’s wings.

  4. Using your compass (or smaller round object stencils), draw circles on the black and yellow card and cut them out to create eyes for your owl.

  5. Next, cut out a triangle to create the owl beak.

  6. Use the glue gun to carefully glue the eyes and beak to the cream circle card, as pictured.

  7. Flip your owl over and glue the half circle wings to the back of the cream card.

  8. Next, stick place the pegs so that they hang below the bottom of your owl’s body, to create little gripping feet.

  9. Stick the pegs in place using the glue gun.
    Remember to hold the peg in place as the hot glue sets.

  10. Turn your owl back over and use your pencil to shade in the head and wings.

  11. Finally, make a small hole in the top of the owl’s head with the point of the compass (or using a needle/pin) and thread the string through it so that it is ready to hang up.

Owl Mail Inspiration…

It’s up to you what you give your owl to hold but here are a few ideas:

  • Letters you have written that are ready to send.

  • Special birthday or Christmas letters that are waiting to be opened.

  • A personalised acceptance letter into Hogwarts!

  • Messages to and from people in your house (like a mini owl postal service)

Did you give it a go?

Send us a photo of your Message Delivery Owl and you might find your creation featured on the Upstart website or in a future issue of Upstart magazine… AND win a prize!