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How to Make and Play the Play Dough Game

We have bought a well-known drawing game to life.
Mix up some homemade play dough, mould a body part and unveil the amazing creature you and your friends have made.

What you need:

  • 1 cup Flour

  • ½ cup of warm water

  • ¼ cup of salt

  • Food dye colours (three or four)

  • Googly eyes, tooth picks and/or other decorative crafts like feathers  - whatever you have at hand.

  • Paper, pen and a hat or bowl

  • Up to six players (less can work too)

What to do:

  1. Combine the flour and salt.

  2. Gradually add the water and mix.

  3. Knead the play dough until you create a ball.
    Tip: Add more flour if it is too sticky.

  4. Separate your dough into four pieces and make a small well with your finger in each piece.
    Add a drop of colour to the well and work it into the dough, creating a marbled effect.
    Try a different colour for each ball.

  5. Put up to six pieces of paper saying: ‘Head’, ‘Body’, ‘right leg’, ‘left leg’, ‘right arm’ and ‘left arm’ into a hat or bowl.
    Get each player to draw a piece of paper from the hat to see which body part they will be making.

  6. Give each player a ball of play dough.
    Now everyone can secretly create a body part which can be from a real or made up creature.

  7. When everyone has finished creating their body part, the legs are revealed first, followed by the body, arms and finally the head.
    As the body parts are revealed, you can fit them together using toothpicks to hold it in place.

  8. When your amazing creature is finished, work together to give it a name.
    You can even try writing a story about your amazing new creature.

  9. You can break your creature apart and start again.
    The play dough colours will continue to mix giving your animal a new colour every time you play!

  10. When your game is over, store your play dough in an airtight container.

Did you give it a go?

Did you try making your own play dough creature?

Send us a photo of your creation and you’ll go into the draw to win a mystery “Upstart DIYer” prizes.