Upstart Magazine

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Upstart's Scrumptious Scones Recipe

There is nothing more comforting than freshly baked scones (with lashings of jam and cream) on a chilly autumn day. Let’s bake scrumptious scones!

REMEMBER: always ask permission from a grown-up before you start cooking

What you need:

  • 1 ¾ cup self raising flour

  • Good pinch of salt

  • ½ cup olive spread or grated cold butter

  • ¼ cup sugar

  • ½ cup sultanas

  • 1 egg and milk beaten together (to make ¾  cup liquid)

  • Orange zest of half an orange

What to do:

  1. Preheat the oven to about 220-230C

  2. Measure out all of your ingredients except for the spread or butter which you should keep in the fridge until you are ready to add it.
    This step will help you to keep your dough as cold as possible before going into the hot oven; this is a key part of making crumbly light scones.

  3. Combine the flour and salt, and roughly rub in the spread with freshly washed cold hands OR grate in your cold butter.
    Tip: Don’t over mix, as it’s best to have a cool lumpy mix.

  4. Mix in the sultanas, fruit, sugar and orange zest.

  5. Gradually add milk and egg mix into the bowl to make a dough, but don’t over mix.

  6. Turn out your dough onto a clean floured surface.
    Press it a little to make it about 2 cm thickness, but try to handle it as little as possible, and reform the off cuts to make more scones.

  7. Cut out your circle shapes with a cutter or an upturned cup and lay them on the baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes or until lightly browning on top.

This recipe was adapted from the original Rich Scone Be-Ro recipe, used by our one of our amazing writers (Ruth) Gran, Aunt and Mum.

Tip: Scones are best eaten fresh from the oven and the dough is better when cooled first. So, bake what you want to eat now and you can cover and save any leftover, uncooked scones in the fridge for baking the next day.

You can also keep the uncooked scones in an airtight container, or wrapped in glad wrap and tin foil, in the freezer; they will last like that for up to a month.

When you bake the frozen scone add about two minutes to the baking time.