Bread and Butter Blackberry Pudding Recipe

This pudding is inspired by Peter Rabbit’s sisters, Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton-tail from The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter. In this story, the sisters enjoy a delicious supper of bread, milk, and blackberries.

Using these three ingredients we have concocted a delicious bread and butter blackberry pudding that we think these bunnies would approve of.

Serves: Four greedy bunnies or six good little bunnies.

REMEMBER: always ask permission from a grown-up before you start cooking


What you need:

  • Eight slices of bread

  • Butter for spreading

  • Blackberry Jam (we used Bramble Berry Jam.

  • One tin of blackberries or two cups of fresh blackberries

  • Two cups of milk

  • Two free-range eggs

  • Five tablespoons of sugar (approx)

  • Icing sugar to decorate (optional)

  • Cream or milk to serve  (optional)

  • Baking dish (double-check it is heatproof it should say on the bottom)

How to make the pudding:

  1. Spread butter and jam onto your bread slices.

  2. Chop your slices into small triangles.

  3. Lay triangles of bread along the bottom of your dish jam-side-up.

  4. Scatter some blackberries onto your first layer and add a sprinkling of sugar if desired.

  5. Arrange the rest of the bread on the top of your pudding making sure that the slices overlap a little.

How to make the topping:

  1. To make the ‘custard’ whisk the eggs and two table spoons of sugar in a bowl.

  2. Stir the milk into the egg mixture.

  3. Pour your custard mix over the pudding making sure every inch is covered.

  4. Add a scattering of blackberries and a sprinkling of sugar.

  5. Cover and set aside in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

How to serve your pudding:

  1. After a while in the fridge, the pudding should have soaked in a lot of the custard mixture. Now, it’s time to pop it in the oven for about 30- 40 minutes.

  2. When the custard is set and the pudding is a golden brown on top, it is ready to eat.

  3. Get Mrs. Rabbit or Mr. Bouncer to help you to take the pudding out of the oven. Then serve with a drizzle of fresh cream or milk and a few leftover blackberries.

His mother put him to bed, and made some camomile tea; and she gave a dose of it to Peter! 'One table-spoonful to be taken at bed-time.' But Flopsy, Mopsy, and Cotton-tail had bread and milk and blackberries for supper” - From Beatrix Potter’s The Tale of Peter Rabbit