Easy Animal Bread Recipe for Kids

You can make a whole zoo out of bread with this basic bread recipe that is quick and easy. We made one large hedgehog, a few hoglets, a turtle and some bunnies.

REMEMBER: always ask permission from a grown-up before you start cooking


What you need:

  • 2¼ teaspoon of dry active yeast

  • 2 cups warm water

  • 2 tablespoons sugar

  • 2 teaspoons Salt

  • ¼ cup vegetable oil

  • 5 cups standard flour, mixed with 2 teaspoons salt

  • extra flour to have on hand for dusting

  • small bowl of water to “glue" bread pieces together

  • non-stick spray or baking paper

What to do:

  1. Activate the yeast

    Tip the yeast into a bowl and add the water then sugar and whisk together.
    Let this sit for about 10 minutes. You should see it has begun to bubble and froth.
    This is the yeast activating.

  2. Make the dough
    Mix in the oil and then gradually add the flour and salt by sieving it into the bowl.
    Use a whisk to ensure there are no lumps. Then, as it thickens, use a wooden spoon to continue to mix in the flour.

  3. Knead the dough
    When your dough has come together (and is squishy), pick it up from the bowl and drop it onto a flat clean floured surface. If the dough is too sticky sieve more flour over it.
    The aim of kneading bread is to get lots of air into the bread.
    Use the palm of both of your hands to squash the bread down and push away from you. Then, fold the bread back up towards you, trapping the air inside.
    Repeat this process, turning the bread to keep it roughly circular.
    Do this for about 10 minutes.

  4. Make the animal
    Find a photo of the animal you want to make so you can learn how it really looks as you create.
    To make our hedgehog we created a basic hedgehog shape and used a spoon to score the surface like prickles.
    Then we rolled a small ball of dough for the nose, and used cloves for the eyes.
    When you have made your animal, leave it to rest for 20 minutes in a warm area.
    Optional: After it is rested you can glaze the bread with butter or milk.
    Glazing with butter will give a golden tint to the bread and milk will give it a shine.
    Tip: Use water to stick on any dough pieces together and add flour as needed.

  5. Bake
    Bake in an oven (preheated to 180 Degrees Celcius) for 20-30 minutes.
    If you make small ones like we did they will only take 10-20 minutes.

  6. Eat
    Serve up your creation while hot with butter and jam, or enjoy alongside soup.