YOUR Achievements
Practice pays off
For my recent karate competition I practiced and practiced until it was perfect.
I was doing it by myself and when the judges said the score I got the highest score in different levels. So I got a trophy!
I had happy tears. I am so proud of myself.
Thanks to my mum who always helped me to train and thanks to my dad and my siblings for cheering me on… and thanks to my friends and teachers. I did it!
Mariann Tom (9), New Lynn
Jumping to new heights
I have started jumping 60 cm jumps in my Horse Riding classes and I'm really pleased with myself!
Isabel Tehira (13), Manurewa
Meeting a role model
I love Basketball and was super excited to go to the Breakers games and get my photo taken with Tom Abercrombie!
I also got my Breakers top signed by the players.
Lachlan McHardy (10), Golflands
School dux award
I have recently won a dux award at my school. I was very happy and my whole family was there to see me win it.
When I had heard my name I couldn’t believe that I had got it! I had a huge smile on my face when I went up to get the award. Now, the award sits proudly on my bedroom shelf.
I would like to dedicate the award to my family and my baby sister who has given me lots of joy this year.
Charlotte Zhao (11), Mount Albert
Orienteering success
This year my school camp got canceled due to bad weather which was really sad!
My school decided to host a lake day instead where we did lots of activities. One of the activities was orienteering which is where you have to look and to find clues.
In the end, my group won the whole thing and got trophies! It was such a awesome day.
Lily Higgs (12), Point Chevalier
Gym prize giving win
Last year was my first gymnastics prize giving. I was so excited to go. And then when I won 1st place in the boys gym-fun group I was very proud.
This is me and my trophy. I get to keep it for the rest of the year!
Logan Hird (6), Pukekohe
The joy of de-cluttering
My goal was to tidy the house office/creative room that I share with my mum.
I had 12 large baskets heaped with random stuff I have accumulated!
My Mum inspired me to set this goal because she couldn't work in a place so messy.
My mum gave me baskets of stuff and I chose only to keep what 'sparks joy' (Marie Kondo, famous Japanese tidier). I ended up with only two small boxes which can now be beautifully displayed.
It felt great to not have a super cluttered space where I could actually lay down and draw.
Tilly Hawkes (10), Titirangi
5km run conquered
I was so proud to do the 5km run attached to the Auckland Half Marathon. I did it with my mum and her friend.
It was so wet but we ran the whole way anyway!
I loved it so much I am doing another one in February!
This is me getting my medal for finishing!
My nana and poppa and brothers also came and cheered me on.
Harriet Jurd, Cockle Bay
Baking achievement
I made a Xmas cake - I used a chocolate cake because I don’t like Christmas cake but I make it ‘christmasy’ by decorating with a snowflake.
To do the snowflake I cut it out of paper by folding in half, then half and half again and cutting little triangles out. Then I unfolded my snowflake, popped it in the cake, and sprinkled over it with icing sugar in a sift. When I was done I carefully lifted the paper snowflake if and … tada!
Emma Cook (7), Wellington
Giving-it-a-go pays off
I wanted to try playing on a soccer team this term, but I was too scared.
My family and my new coach encouraged me and I felt brave enough to try.
I was just going to watch the first game but ended up playing and I was so proud of myself.
A few weeks later I even scored a goal and got Player of the Day. I think I'm going to play again next term.
Millen Davis (8), Manly
Maths Whizz recognised
At the end of year assembly I got the Maths Whizz prize for the most number of progressions in the whole School!
I was so surprised when my name was called out as I didn't think it would be me.
I had worked really hard through the whole year to earn this. I even made sure to do my progressions through the school holidays.
Emily Burton (12), Wellington
Perseverance rewarded
I play softball, but I feel like I’m really bad at it.
I’ve been doing softball for many years now and I’ve never been able to bat the ball… until the last game where I did!!
I hope I’ll be able to bat the ball again.
Mitchell Lam (11), Wellington
Ross Shield rubgy rep
I was lucky to be picked to play for the Hastings West Team in Ross Shield.
I love rugby and always wanted to be in Ross Shield.
We did not win but shared a trophy with Hastings East.
It was a great week of rugby and I loved the experience and made new friends!
Isaac Te Whaiti (13), Hastings
Player of the day
I played my first game of Touch rugby last week for my new School after watching my brother and sister play for years.
I loved it so much and got player of the day for getting some great touches! I got to wear a uniform and it was so cool.
Kobe Taufale (5), Wellington
Sprouting success
Here is a picture of the beans that I planted starting to sprout!
We have been having lots of fun at school planting vegetables as part of our garden-to-table project.
Sasha Cains (7), Kamo
Gymnast of the week
I am so proud of achieving 'best gymnast of the week' in gymnastics!
I trained hard with friends, trying to test my flexibility and behaving in my lessons.
My mum encouraged me and we worked together to try new things!
My coach gave me a pat on the back when she handed me my certificate and told me I had worked very well recently.
I will continue to try my best in gymnastics as well as every other sport I do.
Claudia Yu (10), Castor Bay
Stone sawing champions
My mum and I went to the Victorian fate, and we wore old Victorian clothes.
I entered the kid’s stone sawing champions on Oamaru stone.
My partner was a kid called Toran, who entered the fastest-eating porridge competition in Dunedin, but got last because he was actually slow.
We got third! We all got a bag of candy floss and we won a medal for Third.
Rebekah Van der spek (11), Oamaru
Give-it-a-go superstar
This was my first time at swimming lessons.
I went in like a champ, put my head under straight away and can’t wait for next week!
Phoebe Caudwell (4), Auckland
Reading competition
During the school holidays, my school had a reading competition, with different ways to read, the more you did the more of a chance you had to win. So, I read at different libraries, to a pet, and a grandparent.
When I got back to school I handed my form in, a few days later they announced the winners, and I won!
I was so, so happy. My reward for all the reading was a voucher for our school ice block stand.
Laura Feldon (6), Wattle Downs
Fair play award
I entered my first-ever tournament with a group of friends from our soccer club to play Futsal (which is indoor Soccer).
We had a lot of fun and worked so hard that we came 2nd place. We also won the Fair Play award as a team which made us all proud because we played so well together and supported each other.
Elijah Hanan (8), Palmerston North
Never give up
I was diagnosed with an Intellectual disability and have trouble talking, but we had a school athletics where I placed 1st in 60 m, 1st in 100m and 1st in the long jump!
I never give up and don't let anything hold me back. I try my best and feel great when I succeed.
Lucas Scurry (9), Pukekohe
Making a new friend
My achievement is making a new friend!
I was really nervous to meet our new neighbours, but it turns out they have a cute wee baby girl.
She is so much fun to hang out with, we played with Duplo together and watched a movie!
I think now she is my little friend, even though we are different ages we can still play together which is very cool.
Mackenzie Cornish (9), Gore
Past achievements from readers…
Most improved player
I was super proud to win Most Improved Player for Netball this year.
I have never played before so this was unexpected!
Aria Weber (13), Kaiapoi
Tough Kid Challenge
I did the Junior Tough Guy and Gal Challenge in Rotorua with my friends.
This photo is of us after we finished, all covered in mud… that's me in the middle!
I had so much fun, there were lots of obstacles and a really big hill to climb up, I was so tired afterwards!
Quinn Wanden (9), Tirau
Cross country champ
I won my school cross country this year and got to go to the regional competition where I came 19th.
Fletcher Cains (10), Whangarei
Gymnastics award haul
In my last competition of this year, my first year of competitions, I won 2nd place overall for gymnastics, including 2nd in bar and 1st on beam. I was so proud!
Sarah Nelson (7), Te Puke
Putting in the mahi
For 10 weeks I have been to every single game of my netball.
Last week there was me and 1 other team so we rallied around found a team and still managed to play!
I have received a Player of the Day award twice for always putting in a good effort.
Nevaeh Hart (8), Timaru
Family practice creates a pro
At a family member’s place, I got my granddad to play badminton with me… but differently.
So I got the bat and my granddad threw the shuttles at me, then I hit them back to my granddad.
2 years later I was a pro at playing badminton so my dad brought me a normal badminton set. I was so excited to play with it.
Every afternoon in the weekend/holidays I play with my dad.
Now I am very good at playing badminton.
Avantika Singh (8), Auckland
Public speaking success!
Hi Upstart,
This year I have had two successful public speaking opportunities.
My first one was at my theatre school's awards. I did a short prose from the book Matilda and a monologue of Lucy from You're a good man Charlie Brown. I came 2nd in both of the categories and it was at Centrestage (which is my local theatre)!
My second public speaking experience was at my school's speech competition. My speech was on "All kids should learn to cook".
Only one year five from each class would qualify to go into finals and I was one of those kids! Not too long ago I did it, I was SO nervous but when I got up onto the stage I realised I wasn't nervous at all! And I actually won!
Gracie Bond (9), Red Beach
Award winning player
This is my 2nd year playing for New Lynn Stags, we got to play at Mt Smart Stadium and I won Most Improved Player of the Season at the end-of-year prize giving!
Max Gavin (6), Auckland
Kapa Haka performance
Today I performed with my school at the Kapa Haka competition. I did the haka.
Lane Trew (7), Hastings
Gymnastics achievement
Hi Upstart,
I’m writing about my time at gymnastics. I’ve been doing gymnastics for 5 years. I’m a Level 3 gymnast.
We practice on a beam, a vault, the bars, and floor exercises. The hardest for me is the beam, because I have to do a handstand and shoulder roll on the beam without falling off.
The hardest thing on the floor is the backward walkover.
The hardest thing on vault is jumping into a handstand onto a squishy mat.
The hardest thing on the bars is the cast-back hip circle into an undershoot (without letting go).
I do competitions sometimes and I now have 17 medals.
Gemma White (8), Levin
Soccer skills
I got player of the day for my amazing soccer skills.
Chase Ashby (7), Nelson
Brave performance
I did a Kapa Haka performance with my school and I did the poi.
It was really cool and I was brave as it was in front of lots of people.
Arden Trew (12), Hastings
Ukulele achievement
I learn how to play the ukulele with Monster Music, today I got the purple wristband.
I want to get the black wristband. Then I will go and learn to play the guitar.
Charlie Hall (7), Christchurch
This girls got game
This year I have been playing for the Girls Got Game team in Dunedin. I really love playing for this team as it is made up of only girls. We play in the Year 5/6 grade against boys teams, but I am only year 4 and love the experience.
My sporting achievement is getting to play at halftime in the Otago Hoiho vs Northern Kahu game. This was an amazing experience as I got to meet some of my heroes like Sammy G (Samara Gallaher) the captain and got photos with them.
When I am older I want to play for the Otago Hoiho team.
Isla Campbell (9), Dunedin
First gymnastics badge
Hi Upstart,
I got my first badge in gymnastics at the end of the term.
I am very excited for the new term classes to start.
I love gymnastics
Logan Hird (6), Pukekohe
Sevens Rugby Tournament winners
I play rugby for Kaikorai Rugby Club in Dunedin.
I am in Year 4.
This is my second year playing tackle rugby.
Our team entered the Taieri Sevens Rugby Tournament. We had to play lots of games against other Dunedin Year 4 teams. Our team won our grade!
My teammates are really cool.
We won a medal, a trophy and a certificate.
Go Kaikorai Demons!
Isaiah Price (8), Dunedin
Starting a new sport
I joined my school hockey team and am learning to play.
Matthew Gamble (7), Wellington
Player of the day
I got player of the day at my Netball game!
Mila (9), Auckland
Taekwando black tip achieved!
My sports achievement was earning my black tip in Taekwando. I have been training for the whole year and have been working really well, I usually sweat because I train so hard!
My older sister fern got her black tip a few years ago and she has been a big inspiration to earn my one. My instructor pushed me hard to get all my patterns and kicks spot on. After a lot of tiring, long, exhausting and hardworking training I finally got my black tip.
I am very proud of myself and so happy that I finally got my belt!
Willow Capes (12), Titirangi
Gold certificate in mathmatics
Hi Upstart,
I achieved my gold certificate in Mathletics. It is also one of my shine challenges at school.
For a Gold certificate, I need to do 1000 points every week for a Bronze certificate, 5 Bronze for a Silver certificate then 4 Silver for a Gold certificate.
How many weeks for a Gold certificate?
The answer is 20 weeks.
Alicia Chan (8), Auckland
Football champion
Hi Upstart
This year I started playing football. It is so much fun. My team is called the Bears.
Here is a photo of me with my Player of the Day trophy
Eve Saward (5), Auckland
Completing 3 guardian walks
We recently went on a holiday to Dunedin and while we were there we completed 3 Toyota Guardian walks.
It was fun to explore a new town and exciting to receive our medals in the mail.
Savannah Halverson (9), Whitianga
Conquering Adrenalin Forest
In the holidays my sister and I went to Adrenalin forest.
When we got there we had a briefing so we would know the rules. After that we went on the first course 1, the easiest level (there are 7). It was pretty fun but short.
Next, we went to level 2 which was a bit higher.
Level 3 was really high in the trees and longer than levels 1 and 2.
Then we went on level 4, the hardest, longest and highest yet!
It started off easy but it got harder and higher. It was scary and we nearly got stuck but we kept going until we finished it.
I’m proud of my achievement at Adrenalin forest.
Cameron Dixon (11), Wellington
Confident rider
My name is Tāwhara and I am 4!
This is a photo of me on my new bike my Aunty and Oooooo got me for my birthday.
Tāwhara (4), Wairoa
Adapting to change pays off
I worked so hard at training for the Weetbix Tryathlon but unfortunately, due to Covid, it never got to happen.
So, I set a new goal to do my best at the school duathlon and with all my hard work and determination I came 3rd!
I couldn’t be prouder of myself.
Even though not everyone gets a place, as long as everyone tried their best, that is what counts.
Scarlett (9), Tauranga
Kindy gymnastics natural
I went to my first kindy gymnastics and I was so excited. I was able to balance the whole way across the bean without Mum’s help.
Dylan (3), New Plymouth
Focus pays off
Our school principal gives out a special Principal Award to one student in each class at the end of the term.
I find it hard to focus at school so this is something that I have been working hard at improving, and my teachers have been very helpful.
I have been trying really hard at school to do my best as that's what my Mum says makes her proud of me.
I felt really proud of myself when I got a Principal Award at the school assembly on the last day of Term 1.
My parents were so proud of me and I even got some rewards for my achievement!
It was so awesome to get the award and I hope that I will get another one next term if I'm lucky enough!
Ryan Edwards (8), Ellerslie
Sibling success
My sister and I both received the class award for each of our years.
It is for Kotahitanga- scripture in action.
I am very proud of my sister and happy I got it too.
I love my school and I try very hard.
Imogene (6), Auckland
Keep on trying
I have been working very hard during my first year of school to learn new things.
I am improving every day!
I just got this certificate for my spelling!
Darius (5), Waitakere
Player of the day
In my very first game of netball and I scored 4 goals and got player of the day!
Amelia (6), New Plymouth
Rippa rugby achievement
In the weekend I played Rippa Rugby and I think I played really well.
My Mum and Dad said I did a lot of really good passes, ran really well and set up a lot of good tries.
At the end, I got a bag of lollies from the other team because I played amazingly.
My friend's Dad got everybody some chocolate milk as well.
I've been playing for five years, including this year.
Lucy Uhrbom (9), Christchurch
First time trout fishing catch
I went trout fishing in Turangi for the first time.
I really wanted to catch a trout so I listened to what the fisherman teacher said. I had to be patient too.
It worked because here is a picture of the trout I caught!
Joshua Sullivan (10), Albany
Lunch with the Principal
I was chosen to have lunch with the principal at the end of the term.
It was a surprise. I felt proud to be chosen.
At the lunch, we had pasta with bacon and we also had ice cream with sprinkles.
I will work hard to be able to get chosen again.
Alex (9), Pukekohe
Netball win
I would like to tell you that the other day my netball team won 7 to 1 and I am really happy that I won!
I think competing in a sport is fun and even if you lose there is next time.
Joel Hurdle (8), Mt Eden
Serving up a new goal
My sports goal is tennis.
I joined Point Chevalier Tennis Club this year.
My coach is Sergey. He taught us forehand and backhand.
Last week my Uncles came to watch and we played after my lesson!
Leo Johnson (7), Point Chevalier
Starting something new
I just started taking gymnastics classes.
On my first day, I got a certificate.
I was proud of myself.
Antonia Orr Osorio (6), Hastings
Working on getting it even
I have started competitive gymnastics this year, just like my big sister.
I love trying new things as well as the things my coaches tell me to do. I like trying things my 10-year-old sister can do. Like my split handstand. I'm trying to get my legs even further into a split, but I'm proud of what I can do so far.
I also like to see how far up I can get my leg. My big sister can't do it like this anymore!
Addyson Nelson (6), Te Puke
8.4 kilometre achievement!
My family and I did round the bays online this year and we had to walk 8.4 kilometres! We walked around Orewa estuary and the Millwater shops. We all wore the same t-shirt. It took us 2 hours to complete the walk!
Kiki Timlin (12), Albany
Overcoming obstacles…
My basketball team make it to the grade A team after 3 weeks of grading competitions.
We only have 5 team members now due to Covid, but we managed to play the whole 3 games and won!
Ash Leung (8), Pinehill
Mastering the drop in
I got a skateboard for my fifth birthday and now I can drop in on ramps by myself!
It took lots of practice and perseverance, but I am so glad I didn't give up and I can't wait to learn more.
Thea Wanden (5), Tirau
Academic representative
I would like to mention an achievement I received this term.
I started at a new school and made new friends and I had to write a speech and my new classmates had to vote on which was best.
I received the academic representative for my class!
Mikhayla Townsend (11), Mt Wellington
Competition winner!
I love, love, love to dance and have been working hard for shows, exams and competition work.
I was so excited the other week when I won the Under 12's Hip-hop section at a dance competition and I'm 8!
I am so proud of myself and took the trophy to show at school.
Peyton (8), Tauranga
Musical theatre achievement
Last year I worked really hard on my musical theatre dance exam.
My hard work paid off because I ended up being runner up in my exam with the second highest grade!
Inara Walker (12), Massey
Looking down below…
This summer I learnt to snorkel in water that was over my head!
I was safe with a life jacket and I got to use my snorkel set that I got for Christmas.
I saw some really cool fish and I was proud that I did it in the deep water!
Harriet Jurd (6), Cockle Bay
Practice makes perfect!
Recently I have learnt to ride my bike without training wheels.
I had been practicing lots and getting sad when I kept falling. So, I tried on the grass then I tried in the garage.
I did my best and worked really hard.
I also got help from my sister, mum and dad. I am so happy now that I can ride without training wheels.
Karthik Singh (4), Auckland
Player of the day!
I got Player of the day for getting the most big runs in one game of touch!
Mason Page (6), Taranaki
Slide achievement
I went on holiday to the Ohope beach Top 10 Holiday Park and I went down the waterside all by myself!
Thomas Henderson (2), Ohope