YOUR Crafts, Drawings and Creative Writing
Feed the birds
I made this bird feeder with my poppy because we have lots of birds nesting at our house and I wanted to help them feed their babies.
I was heaps of fun learning to use the tools.
Mason Page (7), New Plymouth
New Zealand
What's the freshest place to go?
Where do the cleanest lakes flow?
New Zealand is of course the place to know!
The kiwi kids hang out in the sun,
Everybody gets a job well done.
Here in NZ nature thrives,
Go hiking or camping or out for a dive.
It's wonderful, fabulous, amazing fun,
The NZ good days have just begun!
Come to Aotearoa!
Claudia Yu (10), Castor Bay
Painting at Nana’s place
I love painting at my Nana's house.
I painted this with a brush and my hands!
Brylee Abbot (3), Tauranga
Homemade decorations
This is my Christmas bauble.
Freya Dutton (5), Waitoa
Dear Friend
I was to thank you, but was unable to explain
What it means to have a friend
To share life’s joys and life’s pain
Friendship is one endless devotion
I can express my feelings
When I'm going through different dealings
Friendship is patience and forgiveness
Never failing or forsaking
For then friendship will be shaking
When spirit is down and hearts are breaking
It’s ever faithful
Even when the world condemns
We will sparkle in the darkness
Like fireworks and gems
Friendship makes me happy
Would be like all is at end
If you weren’t there to be my friend
To fill my heart with happiness
I would be lost
Nothing in life is forever
But our friendship is eternal.
Eloise Robinson (13), Mount Roskill
Remembrance artwork
This is my Anzac art which I made at school to remember the fallen soldiers.
Christian Te Whaiti (9), Hastings
Abstract portrait
This was my portrait that I made which was displayed in an art exhibition.
Molly Baker (10), Whenuapai
Fruit artwork
Ayeza Khan (9), Henderson
Transforming costume
Using just cardboard (from laptops and Pak n Save) and pens, I started creating a "transforming" costume of Optimus Prime.
I want it to be created by myself so I did not ask my parents' help, nor my siblings.
It is still a work in progress but it will be in time for any costume-related parties, including Halloween!
Aldric Quilantang (11), Otahuhu
Pukeko painting
I love painting. This is my Pukeko painting. I want to surprise my mum and dad after their work. They really love it. I hope that Upstart will help me share it with everyone.
Antim Petrov (5), Whangaparaoa
Art by numbers
We had author and cartoonist Stu Duval visit our school and show us how to draw pictures starting with numbers and letters.
This is my picture of a dragon started with number 5 as his open mouth.
He showed us step-by-step step and I'm really pleased how it turned out.
Kate Feldon (8), Manukau
Book Week Costumes
This is me and my sister dressed up in our homemade Book Week costumes.
I was Dog man and my sister was Lil Petey.
Aidan Shen (8), Manukau
Creative Writing Extract
I felt shivers down my spine as the megalodon stared me in the eyes.
“Wait, wait, wait, let's go back to the start!”
It all started when Diego and Enola met each other.
It was a cold new year's night. Everyone was getting ready for midnight. Diego was a bartender and Enola was a lonely girl trying to find true love.
Let’s just say as soon as they looked each other in the eyes they knew they were both in love.
1 year later they shared their vows to one another at their wedding, which Enola had dreamed of since she was a little girl.
Later baby Zach was born and their family had begun…
Lily Higgs (12), Auckland
Countdown bricks creation
This is my bricks collection from Countdown. My mom's boss named Gordon and a friend named Amy collected them for me.
I wanted to share their thoughtful present on Upstart.
Lilija Petrova (9), Whangaparaoa
Ice Dragon
This is my ice dragon. It shoots fire out of its tongue and ice out of its spikes. There are 100 dots on the outside.
David Nonweiler (6), Tauranga
Mushroom Island
Ruiqi Li (9), Henderson
The Creepy Lab
One day three children noticed that their favourite mirror was glowing.
“Wow” all three of them said.
They thought their braveness could be showing… So they went through.
After tons and tons of dead ends, they found a door. They hoped it was a slide, but instead, just floor.
Inside, there was a scientist who very kindly said “try out any of these potions”
But all three were filled with dread.
They turned and ran towards the door to get back to their nice, warm beds.
Was it all a dream?!
Ayla Rodgers (7), Te Atatu Peninsula
Inspired by the greats
This is one of my best paintings and I really like it because it is very unique. I made this one at a primary and we used the techniques of a famous painter.
I cherish this painting because I adored the process of constructing it, the final product is unbelievable, and I worked very hard on it (and I think my hard work paid off).
Gireesa Juluri (11), Blockhouse Bay
Perfect Me
Me is me and you are you,
I like food and you're just crude.
I am simple you have pimples,
Exploring is my thing,
You like snoring all morning.
I like rugby you’re just grumpy
I am just who I am.
Benjamin Robinson (11), Mt Roskill
Art class creation
Here is my painting of Foxy fox I did in art class.
Esther Dickinson (5), Tauranga
Game creation
This is a race trace and it's an 8 with a bridge that you have to go under. I've used polystyrene for the ground and a few buildings and I drew the 8 with vivid.
Oliver Burton (10), Christchurch
Digital artwork
Hi Upstart! Here is a digital art piece I made on kleki!
Daisy Filby (11), Nelson
The Monster and The Children
Once upon a time, there was a mum and five children. Her children were sisters.
One day, when they were strolling on a beach, a monster rose from the sand.
It had fur, fur that was deep vicious purple. It also had mouldy green spots, like water in a dirty drain. It took away the eldest sister and the mum.
As the monster left, the sand immediately poured into the hole it had left.
The sisters stared at the spot where the monster had burrowed down.
Finally, the third sister spoke up. “We should try to get our sister and mum back.”
The others agreed. They walked back home. On the way home, they saw a wise-looking old man. The sisters decide to trust him and told him the story about the monster. He stroked his chin and told them, “Well, for one thing I do know a legend about a monster like that.”
The children were more interested. “And I do have a map of how to get there.”
He took out a neatly folded yellowish piece of paper. “You can take it.” said the old man, “Thank you!” chorused the children. They walked the rest of the way home.
Back at home, the children each grabbed a pencil and a notebook and then started scribbling down a plan. Then they voted on whose plan was the best.
The winner was one of the youngest sisters’ plans. It was to build a boat and sail to the island then talk to the monster. Then the youngest sister secretly goes get their sister and mum, then leaves so they went to get supplies for the boat.
Then they started sawing, glueing and carving. When they were finished, they slept.
They woke up, carried the boat to the beach then began sailing.
Their hope was as large as the world. They FINALLY got to the island. They wasted no time in finding the monster. They also found their sister and mother.
All four of them worked really hard. Everything went according to plan.
Alicia Chan (8), Albany
Upstart craft
This is my Halloween papier-mache pumpkin.
Alannah Vaua (11), Onehunga
From Upstart: Try making your own Upstart Papier Mache Jack O Lantern using these instructions…
Dinosaur diorama
Hi Upstart, at my preschool, before we leave to go to school, we do some goals. One of mine was a dinosaur diorama. It was really really hard, but it was worth it. And I'm really proud of myself.
Hadley Bond (5), Red Beach
Realistic artwork
I was in drawing class and my teacher had a book of realistic artwork.
I got to choose which one I liked so, I chose the penguins.
I thought they were cute and nice, so I drew the penguins.
Hazel Tai (8), Forrest Hill
Raisins are so nice and sweet,
They are my favourite healthy treat,
They are grapes just left in the sun,
Waiting to be eaten because they are yum.
They are purplish black,
And they are sticky like blue tack.
I like to find a ton,
In a giant Chelsea bun.
I’ll never get bored of raisins,
No not at all,
I like them in muffins,
Coleslaw and more.
I’ll munch a handful everyday,
And when we buy more I’ll shout “Hooray!”
Ravyn Annear (10), Red Beach
Award winning writing
During writing class, I wrote 4 pages to retell the story of Maui and the giant Ika, and I got a sticker of achievement from the Vice Principal.
Hannah Shen (7), Manukau
Inspired by Fireworks
We went to a big fireworks display in a field for Guy Fawkes day.
My favourite was a red one that looked like Saturn - it had rings like Saturn.
Music played different sounds when we watched the fireworks. They were so loud I bet the cows jumped like me.
Finn Stanley (6), Kerikeri
Harry's llama art
Harry Sutcliffe (10), Christchurch
Science board achievement
Me and my friends, Layla and Jennifer, put a WHOLE TERM into this science board, and we are really proud.
It is a really big achievement for us that we managed to finish it.
Sumeha Juluri (9), Mt Roskill
Low-poly art picture
I made this low-poly art picture of my cat Squeaky, who passed away. I made this as a nice way to remember her.
When I did my first low-poly art, I found it really hard and it took me days to complete, but now I've had more practice I can do it in a couple of hours. Low-poly is a geometric type of art, where you draw a bunch of polygons matching to a background picture and then you place them so instead of an image it's a picture made up of shapes, and colours.
Amelia Feldon (13), Wattle Downs
Drawing a dream
This is my lamborghini v12 drawing.
Jaithra Maru (11), New Windsor
Past Reader Contributions…
Quilting creativity
This is the quilt I made with my nana.
It took a long time to make.
We used a sewing machine, and my nan helped do some of it.
One side of it is colourful and the other side is navy.
It is really soft and squidgy.
Millie Taylor (10), Christchurch
Sonic Sketch
Chen (10), Auckland
I love the evening
As I get into my soft bed, I think about all the wonderful things that have happened to me. Sunset is my favourite time of day because I get to relax and I don’t have to worry about anything.
I jump into my bed thinking about nothing other than getting some rest. The noise of my annoying brothers makes it hard for me to go to sleep.
But, once I lay my head on my soft silky pillow I am out!
I look out of my small window and I gaze at the different shades of pink on the clouds. Below that, I see mountains, dark as night. Flowers surround me and give me scents of spring. Clouds shift across the horizon. Stars appear in the beautiful, multicoloured sky. The simmering moon lights me up with joy. This is why I love the evening.
India (8), Hamilton
Practicing poems
We learnt this poem at school.
Carlotta Escott (5), Nelson
You’re the one with the crown
No matter the looks, no matter the life, we are all the same, reclaim and gain your passion and strength, there's no point to look down you’re the one with the crown.
Jade Close-Winiata (11), Nawton
Homemade Backgammon Game
I was in isolation and wanted to learn a new game. My dad inspired me to make a backgammon game because he played it on his phone.
I looked at a picture of a backgammon board, got some wood from the garage, cut a stencil out and spray painted the board.
Dad helped cut out the stencil and with spray painting. My little brother Luca helped with the spray painting too.
It was fun because we got to learn a new game in isolation!
Leo Johnson (8), Auckland
I have a little poppy
I have a little poppy,
As red as can be,
To show that I Remember,
Those who fought to make me free.
Rebekah Van der spek (11), Oamaru
Bringing books to life
I wanted to share my recent Book Character Day costume.
I came up with an idea that I thought was thinking outside the box and My Mum helped me bring it to life.
I put a lot of time into it.
The Ella Diaries books are my absolute favourite. I got so many compliments!!!!
Kyla Warwood (11), Timaru
Island poem
The sun beat down on the tropical island.
The palm trees swayed in the humid breeze as the blood red sun sinks into the horizon.
The gleaming resort stands out from the lush green vegetation.
The water sloshes on the golden sand as bird calls engulf the ravishing island.
Leo Lang (11), Christchurch
Puppy drawing
Mia (7), Auckland
Pattern art work
Inkpen and watercolour.
Griffin Faust (8), Herne Bay
My Favourite Time of the Day
As we drive to the pool, a smile creeps across my face. Sunset is my favourite time of the day because I have swimming.
I swim like I’ve never done before. I feel like a rocket speeding through the pool. The water fills me with happiness and the smell of the chlorine fills me with joy. When it’s been 1 and a half hours, I hop out and change. My damp togs are freezing on me.
The water is crystal blue and splashes.
When I and underwater you can see the black T that goes down the pool. That is why I love the sunset.
Dylan (7), Tamahere
School production costume
This is my bird costume from the school production.
We did The Lion King Jr.
My teacher Miss B made it.
I really like how there are lots of feathers, it's really pretty.
BB Coomer (9), Christchurch
As I sit down and crack open my lunch box, one sandwich calls my name. Midday is my favourite time of the day because I usually spend it with friends.
Sometimes I lay on the lush grass, still as stone, listening to nature. I chat and jog with my friends. Otherwise, I just doodle some wicked pictures nearby the classroom. Rarely, do I visit the tree stumps and hang there.
I see fuzzy white shape-shifting clouds blending with crystal clear cyan sky as I run on the titanium-hard concrete. When the bell rings for class, a permanent frown covers my face.
Bennett (8), Hamilton
Hide and Seek with bees
I love to play hide and seek with bees.
Gabrielle Yan (10), Henderson
Covid is gone
Covid is gone, and there's no more masks,
The world is back to normal, and we're back to our normal tasks,
Like going to work, or visiting a friend,
No more writing letters that we have to send,
And more going to Kmart,
But still reading Upstart!
Zeke Morrison, Deanwell
Sausage dog drawing
Hi Upstart!
This is my awesome sausage dog that I drew!
He has very fluffy fur!
Joe Filby (6), Nelson
Chimney Climbing
“Could I try the wall?” I asked. “Sure,” answered Mr Stephenson. I belted up and started climbing. I hauled myself up. I had almost made it!
I started off chimney climbing. I went upside down and I almost fell off at one point. I came up the slope and adventured on and got to the top. I hung up there like a little monkey. I started swinging down.
I jumped off and got lowered down. I felt very proud.
I wish I could do it again.
Tate (7), Hamilton
The Sea Rex
The sea rex is extremely shy and it is for quiet people.
It eats vegetables and loves to eat seaweed.
It can protect your house if you are going somewhere. It is from the north part of the ocean. It is extremely rare to find one. It is most comfortable in a corner of a house or by the window. If I were you I would call him sea dino.
Johnny Liu (9), Christchurch
Circus tent sculpture
My circus tent made out of clay.
Peyton Webb (10), Whangarei
Stunning sketch
Amy (10), Auckland
Art auctioned off
I created this picture to sell at my school's Art, Craft and Kai event, which is an art auction.
My picture has a meadow with flowers and Maori patterns on the tree.
There are sunflowers, poppies, bluebells, lupins and fantasy flowers (not real).
I made it for my mum, hoping she would buy it, but my Grandma bought it instead. That's OK though because mum still got to bring it home!
I'm proud of my work and really like the bluebells and lupins. They are my favourite.
Charlotte Gillon (9), Beach Haven
Art on exhibition
We had an art show at school and my drawing of a Ruru was put on display.
Coby Gavin (6), Auckland
The Hard Climb
My eyes were looking for the hardest wall to climb. I had climbed lots of other walls and I felt so good.
I was trying to figure out how to get past the hard bit and then I finally got past the hard bit!
When I made it to the top of the rope, I went down slowly. I don’t know why I went down slowly. Do you know why I went down slowly?
Steven (7), Hamilton
Creative costume
My favourite Author is Andy Griffiths, so for book week at school Mum helped me recreate his book Treehouse Tales into a giant book.
It was awesome to do.
Then we sent a pic to Andy Griffiths and he replied! He loved it and thought it was fabulous!
Liam MacAlpine (12), Kaiapoi
Parrot artwork
Layla Baty (11), Mount Roskill
Beach poem
Gold sand crunches under my feet.
Palm trees blow in the beat of the sea flow.
Children on boogie boards riding to shore and going back out for even more,
At the end of the day the sun goes down and there is still a smile on the base of my face.
Keita Hira (10), Waitakere
Night train drawing
Violeta (10), Auckland
Climate change poster
This poster is to spread awareness about icebergs and the impact of climate change.
Sumeha Juluri (9), Auckland
Spaghetti Monster
I heard something in the kitchen cupboard. When I opened it, I found... a spaghetti monster!
It was cute. It was eating itself!
“How did you get out of your tin?” I yelled.
“Who are you?” the spaghetti yelled back.
Then daddy yelled from the bedroom “What's all that racket?”
“It’s a spaghetti monster” I called to dad.
Then Esther, my little sister, woke up. She came into the kitchen. “Yummy!!!” she said, when she saw the spaghetti.
“Don’t eat meeeeee” it cried.
I quickly closed the cupboard so Esther couldn’t get it. That made Esther sad.
I opened the cupboard and the spaghetti was gone! Back in its tin.
Eli Dickinson (8), Tauranga
Rosie’s Exotic Pet Shop
Want a pet? Love cats but really want a spider? Can’t choose? Buy a spat - the mix of a spider and a cat!
Features: This animal has the head of a cat and the body of a spider, with a poisonous cat bite and eight hairy legs. This animal is creepy AND cute.
How to care for it:
This animal needs lots of space and things to jump on, it needs to be fed five mince each day and drink one tablespoon of milk at exactly 1:09pm. Food found in-store.
Where is it from:
"The spat will be found in The Artic Ocean swimming near icebergs and in holes on icebergs.
Rosie Smith (9), Christchruch
The art of journalling
This is one of the pages in my thick journal.
Molly Baker (10), Whenuapai
LEGO Beach creation
This is my LEGO family at the beach.
My little brother is in a submarine, I’m boogie boarding, my Dad lying in a hammock under the trees, my Mum is having a drink while lying in her deck chair and my friend is out for a swim… hope the shark doesn’t get him!
Hudson Garrett (8), Invercargill
Rabbit Island
Bellar Dou (6), Henderson
Matariki crafts
I made Matariki stars out of wool. There are 9 of them just like the real Matariki.
Manawatia o Matariki.
Anahera Waldrom (6), Auckland
Zentangle cat art
This is my Zentangle cat art creation.
Varisha Yang Zefrani (10), Timaru
Clay Axolotl
I made a clay axolotl of my axolotl Axle.
I think I did a very good job on it my axolotl is white with a pinkish colour and he is cool.
Here is a picture of the one I made.
Damian Carter (13), New Plymouth
Mia’s artwork
This is my giraffe drawing that I made for our student teacher Miss Webb.
Mia Bishop (12), Havelock North
Getting creative with beads
My beads were made with wire and beads.
The ends had to be folded which is the hardest part.
I've made 10 of them for friends. I made this for my teacher.
Harry Sutcliffe (10), Christchurch
The Big Grizzly Bear
Dear Upstart, I wrote this story at school. I published it. I brought it home. Then I put it in a story. Then I posted it to Upstart.
"Once upon a time, there was a big grizzly bear. He lived in a cave. He was good at hunting.
Unfortunately, he could not hunt because he had a sore mouth. He felt frustrated.
Fortunately, he rested his mouth for a year.
It felt better.”
Solomon Hurdle (6), Auckland
I Miss Upstart (magazine)
I’m so lonely
Monthly upstart has disappeared
I really miss it
Sadness and woe
Shame upstart isn't here
Joel McLeod (6), Te Atatu Peninsula
Trying an Upstart activity
My mum and I made the delivery messenger owl craft and so did my big brother Lenny. I have attached pictures of our amazing owls.
My brother’s is funny as it has a moustache!
Daisy Wall (3) and Mum, Christchurch
From Upstart: Try making your own Upstart Message Delivery Owl using these instructions…
Creating a new character
At school, I’m writing a Narrative story about a girl called Shelby who goes to a private school. Here’s a bit about my character…
Shelby has straight black hair that looks nice with her sky blue eyes, she has pale skin with lots of freckles on her face.
She is a short girl that enjoys writing, drawing, and reading she has one friend called Elizabeth who has curly brown hair and brown eyes.
Ellen Elliot (9), Oamaru
Art from your name
I would like to share with Upstart readers how to turn your name into a monster, a.k.a monsterise your name.
1) Draw your name with a pencil on A4 paper vertically, with each letter stacking on top of each other.
2) Add monster body parts to the letters as you like. Be creative.
3) Bold your drawing with black vivid to finalise your monster.
Here you go, a new monster is born!
Aidan Shen (8), Manukau
Upstart’s Pom Pom Shooters
We made and decorated Pom Pom Shooters and had a competition to see who could shoot them the furthest.
Khan Dutton (5), Waikato
From Upstart: Try making your own Upstart Pom Pom Shooters using these instructions…
Sewing creation
At my school we go to tech.
There are quite a few different rotations. I just did sewing. I made a tote bag and it looks really cool! There is also a little pocket to fold the bag into so it doesn't take up much space.
Me and my group got to pick our own fabric and we also got to put a design on it!
I put my name on the front of my tote bag. Sewing is so much fun and I loved it!
Charlie Clark (12), Wellington
Tie-dying fun
During the school holidays, we did tie-dying.
This is such a fun activity and then you have a one-of-a-kind shirt.
Rebekah Gamble (11), Porirua
Pushpa inspired artwork
My Dad is a very good artist and always encouraged me to draw.
I also enjoy drawing and practising for a while.
Recently I made this drawing and my Dad was proud of me.
It's a famous character from South Indian movie "Pushpa".
Ayaan Vasudeva (13), Richardson
I like to rest in the park
When the sun is high
To listen to the birds sing
And watch the clouds go by
I like it when the sun shines
When it's warm and hot and bright
But when it starts to set
The moon will rise tonight.
Caylee Zhao (7), Morningside
Recycled robot
This is Topaz the robot, made out of recycled items (boxes, corks, paper etc)
Topaz is awesome and I'd like to enter him in the Contribution Competition.
Charli Woods (11), Wellsford
Living in a Dream
I wonder what it would be like to live in a dream, a picture eternally in your mind, showing off its great gleam.
There are fun ones, perhaps an experience you’ve been waiting for your entire life, these are the ones that have caused you no strife.
These are also dreams that have caused you strong pain, and once you have reached them you let your happiness rain.
Dreams are something that one will live for, and to be honest I don’t blame them because if you have a dream you will eventually soar.
Violet Dixon (11), Auckland
Upstart Message Delivery Owl
This is my Hedwig flying a letter to Nanny & Gramps.
Freya Dutton (5), Waikato
From Upstart: Try making your own Upstart Message Delivery Owl using these instructions…
Upstart science and fun
My contribution is I followed the craft instructions and made a Pom Pom Popper, my sister Daisy made one too!
Lennon Wall (5) Waikato
I am a Pasifika person
I see the importance of my Pasifika and Samoan culture slowly fading away each day.
I hear the traditional Samoan songs and the morning prayer my Great-Grandma always says every morning when we wake up.
I try my best to understand, learn more about my culture and be a better version of myself.
My Pasifika values are: Faaaloalo, Alofa and Tautua, Respect, Love and Service.
I will live this out by respecting my elders, loving others and helping out in my community.
I hope that one day and in the future many young Pasifika people will continue with our Pasifika values.
I am a Pasifika person.
Ieremia Lam Sam (10), Auckland
Creative Writing excerpt
I had a nightmare, once. I easily remembered it because it was vividly painted in my mind and then glued there permanently. . .
Hanging off the edge of a dreary cliff, silhouetted against the shimmering, silver moon, I was just holding on by a thread. But then, my fingers slipped like a slippery eel until I was hanging on with just one finger.
Below me was a terrifying abyss which was in perpetual darkness. Thunder and lightning filled the night sky to the brim with their eerie pulses. Ominous music played and filled me with dread.
A huge mysterious and anonymous figure, like a shadow, loomed above me on the edge of the cliff, patiently waiting for me to lose my grip.
I tried to scream for help but no sound came out of my mouth; it was dry with fear. Eventually, I lost my grip and I fell into the dark abyss. I could feel it slowly engulf me. My eyes were closed shut, I had no more strength. All was silent...
I barely heard a distant cackle from above.
And then…
I woke up. It was 3am. I was filled with fear.
Caitlin (9), St Francis School
Homemade board game
I made a cool game during the school holidays for my sister and me to play on rainy days.
I made it using recycled items, I covered an old box with paper and designed the game picture and I made all the playing pieces and wrote out all the question cards.
So far it's been pretty fun to play. We played it with our cousin and our Nana.
Georgia Woods (9), Auckland
Flag inspired pillows
I made these pillows at textiles class, one the New Zealand flag and the other the Japan flag.
First, we had to draw our design. Then we used pins to attach the paper to the fabric so I could have the stars and stripes of the pillow the same size.
After cutting those out we had to sew them onto our pillow.
Finally, we used a sewing machine to sew the front and back sides of the pillow together and left a gap to add the stuffing to the pillow, which we sewed back of course!
I had extra time so I made a mini pillow of the Japan flag.
Mitchell Lam (11), Wellington
Drawing what you love
I visited Wellington zoo 2 weeks ago and I loved the Red Panda so much that I came home and drew him.
He looked so cuddly and cute sitting on his branch.
I wanted to take him home!
James Duff (8), Wellington
My heroes
I like Rugby so I've drawn a team of Rugby players.
My favourite is the All Black's and the Blues, but I've drawn all the teams.
I played Rippa Rugby for the last 2 years with my brother and my Dad coached the team.
Luca Johnson (4), Auckland
Billie Eilish inspired artwork
I am a Billie Eilish fan!
I made this art of her. I printed off a background, printed off a picture of her and then coloured it in.
Billie Eilish’s favourite colour is green. She is coming to NZ in September and I would like to meet her.
Presley Brophy-Watts (7), Whangarei
Easter crafts
This is my Easter Egg that I painted.
I made the Easter ears with an Easter egg wrapper that I had (I had to eat the Easter egg first to get the wrapper).
Eva McHardy (11), Auckland
Partners in Crime
Side by side,
Or miles apart,
My friends are forever,
Close to my heart.
And flowers will die,
The sun will set,
But you’re a friend,
I won't forget,
Your name is so precious,
It will never grow old,
It's engraved in my heart,
In letters of gold.
We are always together,
We are one of a kind,
And three words describe us,
Partners in crime.
Amelia Marshall (12), Whangarei
Making robot crafts
Over the holidays I have been making robot crafts.
A robot costume and two little robots using recycled materials.
Abigail Jellyman (5), Whanganui
Screen printed card
I made pictures with leaves I found.
I did screen printing and made a leaf man and I wrote my name by myself!
Travis Gavin (4), Auckland
My Favourite Food
What is my favourite food I wonder?
Is it as quiet as a mouse or as loud as thunder?
It used to be cake but now it makes me shake
because I once bit into a fake.
It’s not jelly because jelly reminds me of my
uncle’s wobbling belly.
Rice used to be my one vice
but then I found dead mice in it twice!
By now you probably have a hunch
of what I like to eat for lunch
It's not made by machine
plus it’s lean and green!
It's the amazing...Bean!”
Ruby Smailes (11), Whakatane
Upstart fan!
Hi Upstart! Here is a drawing I did for you, I love your magazines!
I borrow them from our local library. Keep up the good work!
Stella Milmine (9), Oamaru
Learning about ukuleles
I made this ukulele.
Something we do at my school is “Friday Options” and my option is ukulele - we are going to learn all the parts and to play it.
Ben Feehan-O'Shea (9), Christchurch
New creative tools in use
Hi Upstart! I drew this character with my new pens!
Izzy Katte (13), Auckland
LEGO creation
This is my LEGO creation called 'Sunday Beach Day'.
The LEGO people are having a party where they can slide into the ocean.
They are having the time of their lives.
Piper Therkleson (9), Hastings
Lost In The Wild
“The sunlight flitted through the treetops and the bird song filled the forest.
I am just happy I have survived another night. There are so many things out in the bush and there is no guarantee you will.
Moving the log I take a handful of berries from my berry supplies and I feel it's running low. I will have to go out of the safety of my camp to find more.
Weaving some big thick leaves around my feet for protection I trod out of safety and head into the wild.
The sound of insects and animal calls fill my ears as I get deeper into the forest.
I leave bright purple leaves every so often so I can find my way back...”
Madeleine Smith (12), Ngatea
Homemade Mother’s Day gift
This is a Mother’s Day card I painted.
I painted leaves and then used them to make a print.
I then painted stalks so they looked like a bunch of flowers.
Thomas Henderson (3), Whakatane
Day care art
I used my blow pens to do spray art and made this for my teacher at day care.
Ava Page (4), New Plymouth
Brave in The Icy Cold
“The wind blows on my shoulder
As I walk through the icy cold
My heart pounds as I race through the untold
The wind on my face
Signalling me to go back
I jump as I see a wolf
I run forward without a stop
The snow rains down on me
And the wind gets stronger
My heart pounds faster
As I get stuck in the untold
I remind myself that I am Brave
And move further without a break
I am fearless the wind can see
As it stops bothering me
It stands still
Like it’s lost its motion
I run over
To my little hut in the corner
Standing strong in the storm
My heart stops pounding
The wind stops blowing
The flower starts blooming
Now the Gentle Breeze blows on my shoulder.”
Mishika Chawla (10), Manukau
Homemade plate
My Mum took me to a place where you can paint pottery and then it gets fired in the kiln.
I painted my own plate using the glazes. I chose yellow and pink because they are my favourite colours.
It was hard to know what the colours would look like before my plate went into the kiln because the glazes change colour in there.
I am very happy with how my plate turned out and I have been using it every single day.
Next time I want to paint a bowl to use for eating my breakfast.
Isabella Fairley-King (11), Hamilton
Outstanding cherry blossoms
I drew a picture of a cherry blossom tree, all from my imagination.
I love drawing, especially rainbows.
Cleo Abbot (4), Tauranga
Inspired by Matariki
The stars of Matariki in space.
We’ve been learning about Matariki and space at school.
Coby Gavin (6), Auckland
Minecraft creation
This is a Minecraft zombie made out of wool with a house inside it.
Firstly, we can make experiments on zombies to make them giant.
Zombies are also attracted to the giant sculpture - a lot of them spawn next to it, especially at night.
Oliver Rose (9), Christchurch
Our solar system
I want to go to space one day and go to Venus.
It’s made of hot, hot lava!
Max Gavin (6), New Lynn